
With Israel a "ceasefire" means "we continue to hit you but you're not allowed to strike back". Business as usual.

The international community has failed, humanity has failed, as it allowed the worst savages who ever walked this planet to starve, mutilate and murder thousands of innocent babies, children, women and men in Gaza.

A few words to the people in Gaza: Get out of there.

Not to make it easy on the Zionists but to make it hard on the Arab nations who abandoned you.

The savage occupation will surely find another reason to "mow the lawn".

The ceasefire is not the end of the story, but it is an opportunity to renew our steadfastness, strengthen each other, and continue on our path despite everything, and stand with the families of the martyrs, comfort them, and relieve their suffering. God willing, we will rebuild it with the efforts of its youth and after the return of our families.

A ceasefire only means that the genoce will continue at a somewhat slower pace.

The attached image, an article from UNICEF, provides a grim backdrop to this skepticism. It details that 2023 was recorded as the deadliest year for children in the West Bank, with 83 children killed due to conflict-related violence. This statistic is more than double the number from 2022, indicating a severe escalation in violence.

ماذا ستفعل لو قام شخص بتدمير منزلك وقتل العديد من أفراد عائلتك؟

US Secretary of State Blinken:
"We estimate that Hamas has recruited a number of new militants almost equal to the number it has lost."

A repeated lesson from history, for those who want to understand, about the determination of peoples to extract their freedom and restore their dignity, even after a while...

Q: Do you condemn Hamas? A: Do you condemn Irgun and Lehi?

In the early days of the Internet most systems were mainframes using Big-Endian architecture. Nowadays about 99% of devices use Little-Endian architecture having to do byte-swap operations for interoperability. This amounts to a energy consumption of about 100,000kWh/year.

Israel was founded on terrorism and it hasn't changed one bit.

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