Religious Leadership: The Beast from the Sea (Revelation 13:1-10) is often interpreted as an antichrist figure or a symbol of political and religious corruption. In this narrative, the Beast has both political power ("authority was given it over every tribe and people and language and nation") and a pseudo-religious aspect, demanding worship ("all who dwell on earth will worship it"), which can be seen as an inversion or perversion of true spiritual leadership. This figure compels people to worship it or face persecution, symbolizing a world leader or system that uses religious-like veneration to control and deceive.
Military Power: The Beast is described with ten horns and seven heads, symbols of might and authority, reminiscent of the beasts in Daniel 7, which represent various empires or kingdoms with military might. The Beast's ability to wage war against the "saints" (believers) and conquer them signifies the use of military force to enforce its will and suppress opposition. This could be seen as a metaphor for any state or leader that uses military power to enforce an ideology or to crush dissent under the guise of religious or moral superiority.